Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Senior Project II - Week 6

More updates on the scene, I was focused on finishing the left side of the environment (Not counting the tweaks required for the chambers) but I'm feeling kinda burnt out from working on the scene. I replaced the pipes (And populated the top part with them, I'm not too fond of the pipes that have an alpha map, they look good when there's movement but when I look at them on a still picture they're not as impressive), fixed the issue with the translucency with the glass panels, added some support to the pillars and pipes behind the chambers and I tried to find a way to hide the seams.

I toned down the fog volume as suggested and added a basic 3 point light system around the generator (The meshes are there, I just realized that they're being covered by the railing so I'll move them around).
I'm not entirely sure if I want to keep the platform around the generator, I might add something else instead to make the area more interesting.
The area around the generator is being textured next since the current texture is too clean, I'll probably add some support pillars to break up the shapes.

I'm not sure about the color balance of the scene either, I have a bit of red to draw attention to the storytelling element of my scene, and then greens and blues, and then some neutral colors on the rest of the scene with some yellow but then some of my fill light has a purple hue so I've been experimenting with some lighting settings.

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