Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Senior Project II - First post

Over the following weeks I'll keep this blog updated with concepts and progress related to my senior project.

My environment is a Biolab/cloning lab with aesthetics slightly based on Metal Gear Rising.
This is the initial concept for some props, the shape of the test tubes/cloning chambers changed over time to make them more interesting, the initial concept was supposed to have the chambers embedded into the wall but it was later changed to a more traditional but also more interesting shape.

The generator and control panel will be reworked on through the course (And additional control panels are being worked on, these will be embedded into pillars that will separate the cloning chambers)

The composition and layout is for the most part the same, not counting the updated design for the cloning chambers, more additional props will be placed through the environment to balance the amount of negative space.

Some reference material for visuals, textures and shaders.

The initial concept for the cloning chambers was modular:

And this is the new version of the cloning chambers.

And this video shows an early version of the shaders used in an early version of the environment. The pipe is completely gone and will be replaced with something that makes more sense, environment-wise (Metal pipes and cables that will power up the generator)

A more updated version of the environment, the floor and wall textures are being completely replaced, the columns are being reworked on right now, there's one placeholder (The platforms around the missing generator) and there's a lot of adjustments that will be implemented over the course of the next weeks (Lighting, light functions, tweak the placement of some assets, as well as adding more small props and details that will make sense design-wise), this time assets and certain elements will be worked on individually instead of working on all the elements at the same time and wasting time on shaders.

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