Sunday, October 13, 2013

Senior Project II - Another revision to lighting and some extra stuff

The scene has been updated with some extra lights to make the composition more interesting.
A subtle dominant directional light and lightmass volume were added to have some subtle shadows and light the scene up a little bit. A point light was added near the bottom of the environment to simulate the light from the emissive and simulate some sort of rim light.
Other than that some minor adjustments were made to the rest of the lights and emissives (mainly the green elements from the chambers) to find the right balance, some static meshes weren't lit properly before due lack of lightmaps but that issue has been addressed.

Another element that was added (and it might be too subtle to notice) is a plane with a fog shader placed a unit above the floor, again, to make the composition more interesting.

At this point the basic lights are pretty much done, the next step is to make the rest of the adjustments from feedback I received during class.

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