Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First attempts at Zbrush

I've always wanted to learn how to properly use ZBrush, thankfully I'm taking a ZBrush-related course right now, these are some of my first attempts at learning the software, a rock based on Amakusa's stage from Samurai Shodown 1 and a stone mask from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Not bad for a first try, working on the assets was again a learning experience, and as always there's room for improvement, I plan to revisit these assets in the near future.

Cryo chamber - WIP

This asset is part of my Senior Project environment, this isn't anywhere near complete and as matter of fact I'm still working on the environment (I've been learning Zbrush lately so I definitely plan to add extra detail to my assets and revisit some older pieces)

Third 3D environment

Another environment slightly based on a fighting game, an important thing about working on this environment is that I learned the basics of working with SpeedTree, I feel like may details could be improved and I really like this environment so I definitely plan to revisit this piece at some future point.

Another 3D environment

This environment was slightly based on a currently existing stage from the videogame "The King of Fighters '99", it's not an exact copy of it. I've learned a lot when it comes to modular environments and UDK tricks lately that I definitely plan to make a perfect copy of the environment from scratch in the near future.

3D Environment - Final

This is the product of 11 weeks of work. It's not perfect I realize some assets could use extra work but for a game-ready environment I'm very proud of this.
My main aim was to create a gaming room and implement some elements and visuals of  gaming I really like, many different franchises are represented here, and modeling an arcade cabinet and pinball machine was a challenge (They actually light up and flicker in the environment), and the MadCatz TE Stick is extremely accurate, there's lots of attention to detail too, power outlets, light switches...

Fighting game background flashes

I really enjoy fighting games, these set of effects were made for a friend working on a pixel art-related site ( 2-D Will Never Die), these were made with Adobe After effects and it was one of my first experiments to loop semi-complex animations seamlessly.

As you can see, the design went through many revisions (Different settings and looks for the speedlines, personally I'm very fond of the hand drawn look), this is the final version:

Prototyping - Part 2

As a follow up to the previous post, here's a video sample of the final build of our node, learning how to switch gears and work on stylized models and hand drawn textures instead of the usual realistic style was an interesting and refreshing learning experience.


These assets are part of the Sony Online Entertainment Mentorship program and were modeled and textured for Team Poly.

A couple of things I learned while working with the team was to work within short deadline allocations.
It was also a learning experience to implement Misty Michelle and Joe Shoopack’s (SOE, FreeRealms Art direction) critiques. That helped me a lot to understand the work flow in a professional environment and to follow a game’s preset art direction.





2D Animation

I don't consider myself an amazing animator, I actually struggled quite a bit when it came to the execution of most of the concepts I learned during my course with Wattana Khommarath, but in the end I think I was able to come through and I got experience and skills that will definitely transfer to other areas in my career.

Digital Illustration

These are some some digital illustrations I was able to create thanks to the advice of my instructor, Dzu Nguyen.
I learned some important design rules and techniques while working on these three compositions, and I really enjoyed working on digital illustration.

About this website...

This webspace will be used to keep track of my academic progress and to post some samples of my work.

I've previously graduated from UVM with a Licentiate degree in graphic design as an honor graduate.

Right now I'm currently enrolled in The Art Institute of California - San Diego coursing a Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Game Art & Design.